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Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite TreatmentCellulite is caused by stretching and weakening of the collagen fibers between the skin and deeper fat cells in the body. This allows the fat cells to bulge out and cause the skin to look distorted and uneven. Areas that are commonly affected are the hips, posterior thighs and gluteal regions. Liposuction will not cure cellulite and will perhaps make it worse. No current treatments, such as weight loss, focused exercise, massages, wraps, creams, supplements, or surgery, are 100% effective in treating cellulite. Some treatments with laser therapy have been effective in reducing the appearance of cellulite.




Stretch marks (also known as stria) are caused by a variety of factors mainly due to tearing or injury to the dermis layer of the skin along with thinning of the top layer of skin-the epidermis. Some treatments can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks such as laser therapy, but not all patients are candidates.

During your consultation, Dr. Benjamin J. Cousins M.D. will examine you, discuss your specific aesthetic goals, provide recommendations and answer any and all questions you may have.

Dr. Benjamin J. Cousins M.D. is an experienced Board Certified Plastic Surgeon (ABPS) able to fully customize your experience and surgery to help you achieve the pinnacle in your aesthetic goals. Through his use of the highest level of specialized surgical care, superb ethical and strict standards of patient privacy, Dr. Benjamin J. Cousins M.D. has experience in delivering the pinnacle for plastic surgical care. He and his staff utilize the most up to date, state of the art surgical techniques, and your desired aesthetic improvement is simply a no-charge consultation away. Call today for your appointment.